BookReader is a free multiplatform program (also available for Mac), that belongs to the category Education & Reference and subcategory Books and that has been published by Alex Drel. More about BookReader. Since we added this program to our catalog in 2016, it has obtained 38 downloads, and last week it gained 2 downloads. BookReader is a nice and powerful audiobook generator that allows users to create MP3 files from any available text document. In a nutshell, BookReader is a decent choice for users who don’t want to pay for an eBook reader and prefer an open-source alternative. It is not really packed with features, and it doesn’t allow.
Which books can I read? And how do I find them?
Open Library has millions of records for books that are not yet available in digital form; it also has nearly three million books that are available in digital form. There are a few ways to search Open Library
- The search box on every page which is also available here. Make sure the 'show only ebooks' box is checked. You can get to advanced search options by clicking the 'More search options' link to search by ISBN or Publisher among other things.
- Full text search - this searches inside books that we have the full text for. It currently only works for single word searches.
- This page on our wiki explains some of the advanced search syntax available for users.
If this is a library, why can I only read some of the books?
Unfortunately, most books remain unavailable in electronic form. For those books, we have only a record. Open Library is a long-term project to provide a complete catalog of all books and, incrementally, as many of those books as possible in freely available electronic form.
How do I read or download books on Open Library?
Start with a search for a book.
- Books that are freely available for reading or download will have an open book 'read' icon next to them.
- Books that have a 'borrow' closed book icon next to them can be borrowed for up to two weeks by registered users. Go to the borrowing FAQ section for more information on borrowing.
- Books that have a 'lock' icon next to them are only available to those who are blind or visually impaired and registered with the National Library Service of the Library of Congress. Go to the print disabled FAQ section for more information on this program.
You can search for eBooks by checking the box that says 'show only eBooks' when you search. This will show Classic books as well as Modern books. To read a Classic book you can choose your format by clicking on it.
- You will see a link that says 'Read online' if a book is available for online reading. When you click on this tab, the book will automatically open up in your browser using the Open Library BookReader.
- DAISY books are only accessible to the blind and visually impaired, as explained in the print-disabled FAQ section.
- PDF will start a PDF download.
- Plain text will show the text produced through an optical character recognition software process.
- ePub will start an ePub file download. You will need ePub reader software installed on your computer, e-reader, or phone to read this file.
- DjVu is a format that will stream book page images (not download).
- Send to Kindle will send the book to your Kindle device. NOTE: This feature works only for Kindle owners in the U.S.
How do I learn more about how BookReader works?
We have online documentation for the BookReader available as well as a mailing list for BookReader development discussion.
Book Reader Online
TopCan I read Classic books on my Kindle?
Yes but it can be tricky. You can get Amazon to email you Kindle documents to your phone by making sure your email address is registered with Amazon. You need to go to -> Your Account -> Manage Your Content and Devices -> Settings -> Approved Personal Document Email List`
(or click here when logged in) and make sure your email address is there. We're still troubleshooting this feature, please email us with specific questions or use cases.Top
What other Search options exist on Open Library?
We have a HOWTO page that outlines ways of doing advanced searches for books by author birth date, location or publication date ranges as well as all the other searches.Top
Easy Reader Books Printable
How do I find books written in my language?
Open Library has books in many languages. The best way to find books in your language is to do a search for the language and on the search results page, look at the categories in the right column of the results page and click on the language you are looking for. Here are a few examples
- Ebooks where at least one edition is in Italian.
- Ebooks on the subject of history that are in Latin.
I have found a book but it isn't in a readable format. Is something wrong?
No! This just means that we don't have that book in digitized form yet. You can perform your search again by checking the box that says 'show only eBooks' to see if we have might have it anywhere in digitized form. If you don't find it on Open Library, you might want to try other collections of digitized books such as Hathi Trust or Google Books.
February 22, 2016 | Edited by Jessamyn West | tightening up |
February 6, 2016 | Edited by Jessamyn West | fixed typo |
January 28, 2016 | Edited by Jessamyn West | typo |
January 27, 2016 | Edited by Jessamyn West | advanced search |
January 15, 2011 | Created by girl2k | Edited without comment. |
The Bookreader program, developed by DEC (Digital EquipmentCorporation), uses the X Window System graphical user interface toview documentation or other text files online and store them in ahierarchical format. In this way, it resembles programs such as Gopher.
Bookreader allows you to access the complete set of VMS system manualson VMS and ULTRIX system manuals on ULTRIX. This includes, forexample:
- Databases and Transaction Processing
- Hardware
- Programming Tools and Languages
- System Management
- Telecommunications and Networking
- VMS and ULTRIX Operating Systems
The advantages to using Bookreader instead of the paper manualsinclude:
- Bookreader is online so it is more easily accessible.
- Paper manuals eventually become obsolete. The manuals availablethrough Bookreader are continually updated.
- Bookreader has computer searching features such as hypertext whichdo not exist in the paper manuals.
Note: To print from Bookreader, when a document is open choose the'File' option and 'Print' will be one of the menu items. A sub-menuwill give you choices to 'Print' 'save' (to a file) or 'both.' Becareful when using the 'print' feature. Depending on where you are inthe hierarchy when you choose 'print,' you may wind up printing thewhole book or chapter instead of the section you wanted. If you wouldlike to have a paper copy of a page or small section of the manual,you may find it easier to borrow the actual manual from the SupportCenter and photocopy the portions you need.
In order to use Bookreader, your machine needs to be running an XWindow System server. This can be done on a variety of hardware platforms,including Sun, SGI, Macintosh, and PC workstations.
To run Bookreader from an ULTRIX or VMS machine:
- Begin an X session. (This procedure differs from one workstation to another.)
- Start a window manager. (This is not necessary, but strongly recommended.) Bookreader can be run using one of many window managers, but the Motif Window Manager (mwm) will provide a consistent interface.
- Open a session in window with the ULTRIX or VMS machine.
- Your X server must grant access to the node you are logged into. In Unix, this is typically done with a command similar to the following:
- As with all X applications, you must define your display to the node you're logged into. Under VMS, enter the following command at the prompt:
Replace 'workstation' with the IP address of your workstation.
If you are on a Unix machine, the command you enter depends onwhich shell you use. You can find out what your shell is bytyping 'echo $SHELL'.
If you are using csh or tcsh, enter:
If your shell is sh, ksh, or bash, enter:
Again, 'workstation' is your workstation's IP address.
Once your X display is defined, you can run Bookreader.
- Run the program. On a VMS system, enter the following at theprompt:
On an ULTRIX host, at the shell prompt, enter:
Using Bookreader Effectively
Here is Bookreader's hierarchy:
- Bookshelves
- Books
- Contents
- Chapters
- Topics
- Chapters
- Indices
These entries are all displayed in an outline fashion. Select any ofthese by double clicking it. Opening a book creates a new window.
The first bookshelf, 'Getting Started', contains the helpful bookentitled 'Using Bookreader'.
Bookreader includes development tools that enable you to create yourown library of Bookreader books. See the book 'Managing a BookreaderLibrary' on the shelf 'Getting Started'. There is also more onlinehelp and information available for Bookreader outside the program onthe ULTRIX machines. For more information, at the your shell prompt,enter: